RTG-NCA Online Lectures 2021
All lectures will take place in Zoom:
To access the lectures, please contact the scientific coordinator
Unless indicated otherwise lectures will start at 8.30 am (sharp)
and last for approx. 60 minutes.
Monday, 18.01.2021
"Energy homeostasis and foraging behavior in the zebrafish"
Prof. Matthias Hammerschmidt
Wednesday, 20.01.2021
“Learning from insects: brain computations for autonomous agents”
Prof. Martin P. Nawrot
Friday, 22.01.2021 - POSTPONED TO Monday, 08.03.2021
“The complexity of the ion channel repertoire: Why does it need to be so complex”
Prof. Ansgar Büschges
Monday, 25.01.2021
“Central and peripheral mechanisms for leg motoneuron control in an insect walking system”
Prof. Ansgar Büschges
Monday, 01.02.2021
“Sustained metabolic modulation of hypothalamic POMC neurons”
Prof. Peter Kloppenburg
Wednesday, 03.02.2021
“Hypotheses for the selective vulnerability of dopaminergic neurons in Parkinson disease”
Prof. Peter Kloppenburg
Friday, 05.02.2021
“From receptor to behavior: Sensory processing”
Prof. Sigrun Korsching
PDF Lecture S. Korsching 05.02.2021
Monday, 08.02.2021
“Connectivity and electrical properties of an exemplary network (the olfactory bulb)”
Prof. Sigrun Korsching
PDF Lecture S. Korsching 08.02.2021
Wednesday, 10.02.2021
“Imaging brain neuronal networks in disease”
Prof. Alexander Drzezga
Friday, 12.02.2021
“Shaping neuronal circuits by membrane trafficking”
Prof. Natalia Kononenko
Friday, 19.02.2021
“Mechanisms of axonal maintenance and degeneration”
Prof. Elena Rugarli
Wednesday, 24.02.2021
“Connectomics analysis of neuronal circuits using the fruit fly Drosophila”
Prof. Kei Ito
Friday, 26.02.2021 POSTPONED TO Friday, 05.03.2021
“CNS-dependent control of metabolism”
Prof. Jens C. Brüning
Monday, 01.03.2021
“Spinal muscular atrophy: from gene and modifiers to therapy”
90 minutes lecture
Prof. Brunhilde Wirth
Wednesday, 03.03.2021
“Neural dynamics of innate behaviors”
Prof. Tatiana Korotkova
NEW DATE: Friday, 05.03.2021
“CNS-dependent control of metabolism”
Prof. Jens C. Brüning
NEW DATE: Monday, 08.03.2021
“The complexity of the ion channel repertoire: Why does it need to be so complex”
Prof. Ansgar Büschges
RTG-NCA Lecture Series 2021 - PDF schedule
**PhD candidates and all interested scientists beyond the RTG-NCA are cordially welcome to attend the lecture series.**
Introductory Week 2020
Online Introductory Week of the RTG-NCA Nov 02 to 06, 2020
All events will start at 9 am (sharp) and will last until approx. 11 am
Monday, 02.11.2020
Introduction to the structured doctoral programme of the RTG-NCA
(Ansgar Büschges, Katerina Vlantis)
Information on the Regulations of the GSfBS
(Isabell Witt)
Tuesday, 03.11.2020
Promotion of young talents at the University of Cologne
(Ansgar Büschges, Katerin Vlantis)
The DCs' Perspectives: introduction of the RTG-NCA by the two PhD candidate representatives
(Anca M. Corbu, Günes Birdal)
Wednesday, 04.11.2020
Lectures on good scientific conduct
Lecture by Hans-Joachim Pflüger, Institute for Biology - Neurobiology, Freie Universität Berlin, DE on "Ethics in Science and Good Scientific Practice"
Lecture by Sigrun Korsching on "The Scientific Method and Logical Fallacies"
Thursday, 05.11.2020
Statistics - Use and Misuse of an Important Scientific Tool
(Till Bockemühl)
Friday, 06.11.2020
Questions - Answers
(Ansgar Büschges, Katerina Vlantis)
Lectures 2019
Lecture Series 2019 January to March
Monday, 14.01.2019 _ Institute for Genetics, lecture hall 4th floor
“From receptor to behavior: Sensory processing”
Deciphering the olfactory system of a model vertebrate (zebrafish)
From basic molecular biology to electrophysiology
Sigrun Korsching
Wednesday, 16.01.2019 _ Institute for Genetics, lecture hall 4th floor
"Connectivity and electrical properties of an exemplary network (the olfactory bulb)"
(input/output relationships, evolutional and developmental aspects)
Sigrun Korsching
Wednesday, 23.01.2019 _ Institute for Genetics, lecture hall 4th floor
"The complexity of the ion channel repertoire: Why does it need to be so complex”
(input/output relationships, evolutional and developmental aspects)
Ansgar Büschges
Wednesday, 30.01.2019 _ Institute for Genetics, lecture hall ground floor
"Ca2+ imaging basics”
Peter Kloppenburg
Monday, 04.02.2019 _ Institute for Genetics, lecture hall ground floor
“Computations underlying learning and memory in small brains”
Computational Systems Neuroscience_integrative circuit model -
Analysis of electrophysiological data to model computational networks processing sensory input and generating behaviour
Martin Nawrot
Friday, 08.02.2019 _ Institute for Genetics, lecture hall ground floor
“Intercellular signaling by different types of synapses”
Peter Kloppenburg
Wednesday, 13.02.2019 _ Institute for Genetics, lecture hall ground floor
“Central and Peripheral Mechanisms for Leg Motoneuron Control in an Insect Walking System”
Insights in and examples for methodological and experimental approaches to study the neural basis of insect walking
Ansgar Büschges
Friday, 15.02.2019 _ Institute for Genetics, lecture hall ground floor
“CNS-Dependent Control of Metabolism”
Methodology employed for the analysis of CNS-dependent control of metabolism
Jens Brüning
Please note the change in time and venue
Wednesday, 20.02.2019 _ CECAD Research Center,
Joseph-Stelzmann-Str. 26, lecture hall ground floor
at 2 p.m.
“Mechanisms of axonal maintenance and degeneration”
Approaches to study axonal impairment in mouse models and in primary neurons
Elena Rugarli
Friday, 22.02.2019 _POSTPONED TO 15.03.2019
“Neural dynamics of innate behaviours”
Combination of electrophysiology, optogenetics and behavioural assessments in mice
Tatiana Korotkova
Monday, 25.02.2019 TWO LECTURES _
Institute for Genetics, lecture hall ground floor
09:00 a.m.
“Towards therapy: Understanding motor neuron and neuromuscular junction in health and disease”
From gene identification to functional analysis and therapy of motor neuron diseases
Brunhilde Wirth
10:15 a.m.
"Brain neuronal networks in disease”
Multimodal imaging of network-based brain dysfunction and compensation (EEG, fMRI, PET)
Alexander Drzezga
Wednesday, 06.03.2019 _ Institute for Genetics, lecture hall ground floor
“Energy homeostasis and foraging behavior in the zebrafish"
Molecular tools and approaches to analyse behaviour and neuronal networks regulating metabolic functions in zebrafish
Matthias Hammerschmidt
Friday, 08.03.2019 _ Institute for Genetics, lecture hall ground floor
“Shaping neuronal circuits by membrane trafficking"
Tools and techniques to analyse membrane trafficking in neurons on the molecular and cellular level
Natalia Kononenko
Monday, 11.03.2019 _ Institute for Genetics, lecture hall ground floor
“Connectomics analysis of neuronal circuits using the fruit fly Drosophila"
Advanced genetic tools allowing the anatomical analysis and dissection of Drosophila brain regions
Kei Ito
Friday, 15.03.2019 _NEW DATE
Institute for Genetics, lecture hall ground floor
“Neural dynamics of innate behaviours”
Combination of electrophysiology, optogenetics and behavioural assessments in mice
Tatiana Korotkova
Intensive week training module 2018
Intensive week module
Monday, 05.11.2018 _ Institute for Genetics, 4th floor "auqarium"
Concepts and elements of the RTG-NCA – structured doctorate programme TAC meetings, reports and curriculum
Structures and offers complementing your qualification at the RTG-NCA on a scientific and professional level
Planning your doctoral training and defence
(Ansgar Büschges, Katerina Vlantis)
Tuesday, 06.11.2018 _ Institute for Genetics, ground floor lecture hall
Introduction: Good Scientific Conduct
“The scientific method and common logical fallacies”
“Good scientific conduct"
“Data safety”
(Sigrun Korsching)
Wednesday, 07.11.2018 _ Institute for Genetics, ground floor lecture hall
Introduction "basic statistics"
(Till Bockemühl)
Thursday, 08.11.2018 _ Institute for Genetics, ground floor lecture hall
Introduction into Matlab programming
(Till Bockemühl)
Friday, 09.11.2018 _ Institute for Genetics, ground floor lecture hall
Introduction to graphic design programmes
(Sander Liessem)
Lectures 2017
Lectures: September and December 2017
Monday, 04.12.2017, 10:15 a.m.
Biocenter Zülpicher Str. 47b, Lecture Hall ground floor 0.024
Prof. Dr. Henrike Scholz
"Neuronal networks underlying reward processing and addiction"
Monday, 11.12.2017, 09:00 a.m.
Biocenter Zülpicher Str. 47b, Lecture Hall ground floor 0.024
Prof. Dr. Peter Kloppenburg
"Connectivity and electrical properties of an exemplary network (the arcuate nucleus)"
NEW DATE Monday, 18.12.2017, 09:00 a.m.
Biocenter Zülpicher Str. 47b, Lecture Hall ground floor 0.024
Prof. Dr. Silvia Daun
"Modeling neural oscillators"
Monday, 25.09.2017, 9:00 a.m.
Institute for Genetics, Lecture Hall ground floor
Prof. Dr. Sigrun Korsching
"Connectivity and electrical properties of an exemplary network (the olfactory bulb)"
Monday, 25.09.2017, 10:15 a.m.
Institute for Genetics, Lecture Hall ground floor
Prof. Dr. Alexander Drzezga
"Brain neuronal networks in disease"
2015-2017Lecture contents
Module 1. Cell-autonomous processes
Basic Molecular Biology: How can cells rsp. experimenters achieve suitable gene expression, protein synthesis, stability, and transport?
Basic molecular biology techniques
Sigrun Korsching
Basic Electrophysiology: How can cells generate, propagate, and process electrical signals?
Sigrun Korsching
Function of ion channels and of ion pumps
(open/closed states, energy, works with/against concentration gradient)
Carmen Wellmann
The complexity of the ion channel repertoire. Why does it need to be complex?
The link to cellular properties and diseases will be developed (cystic fibrosis, LongQT)
Ansgar Büschges
Cell-autonomous mechanisms underlying common neurodegenerative diseases
Microscopy techniques (confocal and two-photon microscopy,
use of ion-sensitive dyes, voltage sensitive dyes)
Elena Rugarli
Module 2. Cell-cell signalling and neuromodulation
Nonchemical synapses:
electrical coupling or free nerve terminals
(e.g. sympathetic nervous system)
Peter Kloppenburg
Components and basic function of the (chemical) pre-synapse
Henrike Scholz
Components and basic function of the (chemical) post-synapse
Ansgar Büschges
Advanced function: Effectivity, kinetic properties (acoustic system, Friauf, Grothe), inhibitory vs. excitatory synapses
Ansgar Büschges
Diseases involving synaptic organization (e.g. AchR clustering, Myasthenia congenital, Myasthenia gravis, alphaSMA,...)
Brunhilde Wirth
Module 3. Larger units: circuits and behaviour
Connectivity and electrical properties (input/output relationships)
of an exemplary network (e.g. olfactory bulb)
Sigrun Korsching
Brain neuronal networks in disease
(e.g. reeler, stroke, depression, obesity) -
(imaging techniques such as fMRI, PET, etc. will be introduced in this lecture)
Alexander Drzezga
Neuronal networks underlying reward processing and addiction
Henrike Scholz
Connectivity and electrical properties (input/output relationships)
of an exemplary network
(e.g. arcuate nucleus); (optical imaging in behaving animals)
Peter Kloppenburg
Modelling of neural oscillators
(EEG data analyisis and modeling)
Silvia Daun