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RTG-NCA Online Lectures 2021

All lectures will take place in Zoom:
To access the lectures, please contact the scientific coordinator

Unless indicated otherwise lectures will start at 8.30 am (sharp)
and last for approx. 60 minutes.


Monday, 18.01.2021
"Energy homeostasis and foraging behavior in the zebrafish"
Prof. Matthias Hammerschmidt

Wednesday, 20.01.2021
Learning from insects: brain computations for autonomous agents
Prof. Martin P. Nawrot

Friday, 22.01.2021 - POSTPONED TO Monday, 08.03.2021
The complexity of the ion channel repertoire: Why does it need to be so complex
Prof. Ansgar Büschges

Monday, 25.01.2021
Central and peripheral mechanisms for leg motoneuron control in an insect walking system
Prof. Ansgar Büschges

Monday, 01.02.2021
Sustained metabolic modulation of hypothalamic POMC neurons
Prof. Peter Kloppenburg

Wednesday, 03.02.2021
Hypotheses for the selective vulnerability of dopaminergic neurons in Parkinson disease
Prof. Peter Kloppenburg

Friday, 05.02.2021

From receptor to behavior: Sensory processing
Prof. Sigrun Korsching
PDF Lecture S. Korsching 05.02.2021

Monday, 08.02.2021
Connectivity and electrical properties of an exemplary network (the olfactory bulb)
Prof. Sigrun Korsching
PDF Lecture S. Korsching 08.02.2021

Wednesday, 10.02.2021
Imaging brain neuronal networks in disease
Prof. Alexander Drzezga

Friday, 12.02.2021
Shaping neuronal circuits by membrane trafficking
Prof. Natalia Kononenko

Friday, 19.02.2021
Mechanisms of axonal maintenance and degeneration
Prof. Elena Rugarli

Wednesday, 24.02.2021
Connectomics analysis of neuronal circuits using the fruit fly Drosophila
Prof. Kei Ito

Friday, 26.02.2021 POSTPONED TO Friday, 05.03.2021
CNS-dependent control of metabolism
Prof. Jens C. Brüning

Monday, 01.03.2021
Spinal muscular atrophy: from gene and modifiers to therapy
90 minutes lecture
Prof. Brunhilde Wirth

Wednesday, 03.03.2021
Neural dynamics of innate behaviors
Prof. Tatiana Korotkova

NEW DATE: Friday, 05.03.2021
CNS-dependent control of metabolism
Prof. Jens C. Brüning

NEW DATE: Monday, 08.03.2021
The complexity of the ion channel repertoire: Why does it need to be so complex
Prof. Ansgar Büschges

RTG-NCA Lecture Series 2021 - PDF schedule

**PhD candidates and all interested scientists beyond the RTG-NCA are cordially welcome to attend the lecture series.**


Introductory Week 2020

Online Introductory Week of the RTG-NCA Nov 02 to 06, 2020

All events will start at 9 am (sharp) and will last until approx. 11 am

Monday, 02.11.2020

Introduction to the structured doctoral programme of the RTG-NCA
(Ansgar Büschges, Katerina Vlantis)

Information on the Regulations of the GSfBS
(Isabell Witt)

Tuesday, 03.11.2020

Promotion of young talents at the University of Cologne
(Ansgar Büschges, Katerin Vlantis)

The DCs' Perspectives: introduction of the RTG-NCA by the two PhD candidate representatives
(Anca M. Corbu, Günes Birdal)

Wednesday, 04.11.2020

Lectures on good scientific conduct

Lecture by Hans-Joachim Pflüger, Institute for Biology - Neurobiology, Freie Universität Berlin, DE  on "Ethics in Science and Good Scientific Practice"

Lecture by Sigrun Korsching on "The Scientific Method and Logical Fallacies"

Thursday, 05.11.2020

Statistics - Use and Misuse of an Important Scientific Tool
(Till Bockemühl)

Friday, 06.11.2020

Questions - Answers
(Ansgar Büschges, Katerina Vlantis)



Lectures 2019

Intensive week training module 2018

Lectures 2017


Lecture contents